Changes in version 4.0.0 (2023-12-19) Major updates - Add data.table to package Imports and make using data.table functions optional with get_eurostat() argument. This is especially useful with big datasets that would otherwise take a long time to go through the different data cleaning functions or crash R with their large memory footprint. (issue #277, PR #278) - switch from httr package to httr2 (issue #273, PR #276) - Rewritten caching functionalities, making it possible to cache filtered queries and rely on local caches if the user attempt to filter a complete dataset that has already been cached. A list of queries and cached item hashes is stored in a cache_list.json file in cache folder. This can be viewed with a new function: list_eurostat_cache_items(). (Affects issues mentioned in #144, #257, #258, fixed in PR #267) - Column names in .eurostatTOC object (returned by get_eurostat_toc()) now use dots instead of spaces in the style of base::make.names(), e.g. turning last update of data to (PR #271) - .eurostatTOC object includes a new hierarchy column that represents the position of each folder, dataset and table in the folder structure. - search_eurostat() includes the option to search Table of Content items by dataset codes in addition to titles. This makes it possible to make further queries from similar datasets (e.g. "nama_10_gdp", "nama_10r_2gdp", "nama_10r_3popgdp") that might have different titles. - label_eurostat_tables() has been rewritten to use the new SDMX API instead of table_dic.dic file in Eurostat Bulk Download Listing (PR #271) - Remove legacy code related to downloading data from old bulk download facilities and temporary functions added in package version 3.7.14. - get_eurostat_geospatial() now leverages on giscoR::gisco_get_nuts() for downloading geospatial data (PR #264, thanks to @dieghernan): - "spdf" output class soft-deprecated, it would return a sf object with a message. - make_valid parameter soft-deprecated. - Added ... to the function so additional parametes can be passed to giscoR::gisco_get_nuts(). - Dataset eurostat_geodata_60_2016 updated. - get_eurostat_geospatial() now requires sf package to work at all (PR #280, thanks to @dieghernan) Minor updates - Added suppressWarnings() to some of the tests that use TOC's directly or indirectly as the tests are not directly related to TOC files. - Use more parameter inheritance in package function documentation to reduce discrepancies between different functions (DRY-principle) (PR #270) - Documentation more explicitly explains how to use filter parameters in get_eurostat() and get_eurostat_json() functions. The documentation now warns users about potential problems caused by time / TIME_PERIOD parameters when used to query datasets that contain quarterly data (issue #260) - As continuation of the update done in 3.7.14, started to use the new URL also for dictionary files in get_eurostat_dic() and label_eurostat() functions. - get_bibentry() now outputs "Accessed YYYY-MM-DD" and "dataset last updated YYYY-MM-DD" in note field as otherwise it would be sporadically printed or not at all printed from urldate field. - Print more informative API error messages. (issue #261, PR #262, thanks to @ake123) - Removed sp, methods and broom packages from dependencies. - Added giscoR to Suggests. (PR #264) New features - Added new function: get_eurostat_interactive() for interactively searching and downloading data from Eurostat SDMX API. The function aims to make good data citation practices more prominently visible and also make it easier to explore what different arguments in get_eurostat() function do. - There is also a new internal function eurostat:::fixity_checksum() to easily calculate a fixity checksum for datasets downloaded from Eurostat. The fixity checksum can, for example, be saved in research notes and reported in as part of data appendices. Printing the fixity checksum is encouraged by including an option to print it in every get_eurostat_interactive() query. - Added a new internal function clean_eurostat_toc() for easy removal of TOC objects from .EurostatEnv environment. (PR #278) - New internal function check_lang() (PR #270) - get_eurostat() function now explicity accepts a 'lang' argument, for passing onwards to get_eurostat_json() and label_eurostat() (PR #270) - New user facing function: get_eurostat_folder() for downloading all datasets in a folder. The function is limited to downloading folders that contain at maximum 20 datasets. This function relies on new internal helper functions: toc_count_whitespace(), toc_determine_hierarchy(), toc_count_children() and toc_list_children(). (PR #270) - EXPERIMENTAL: get_eurostat_toc() and set_eurostat_toc() now have experimental features that support downloading TOCs in French and German as well. This support, in turn, is leveraged in get_bibentry() which now has a language parameter: lang (PR #270) - Related to updates to get_eurostat_toc(), search_eurostat() now supports searching from French and German TOC-files as well (PR #270) Deprecated and defunct - grepEurostatTOC() is completely marked as defunct and is enroute to being removed from the package as search_eurostat() is now the only way to fetch Eurostat TOC items and search (grep) them (PR #270) - During the development of the 4.0.0 version there was a temporary function called label_eurostat_vars2 that has been removed in the final version, as promised earlier: "The old function will be completely removed after October 2023 when Eurostat Bulk Download Listing website is retired and label_eurostat_vars2 will be renamed to label_eurostat_vars()". The new label_eurostat_vars() function uses the new SDMX API to retrieve names for dataset columns. Function evolution is subject to ongoing Eurostat API developments. (PR #270) Bug fixes - Added a more informatic warning message in situations where TOC datasets downloaded from Eurostat might not have proper titles. For some reason this was isolated to German and French language versions of TOC while English language TOC had proper titles for all items. (PR #278) - get_bibentry() returns correct codes for titles and warns the user if some / all of the requested codes were not found in the TOC (PR #270) - get_bibentry() uses the date field with the internal BibEntry format that can be easily translated to other formats: bibtex, bibentry (PR #270) - get_bibentry() now outputs dataset codes in titles correctly so that bibtex and biblatex entries can be copypasted into bibliographies without adding escape characters manually (PR #270) - Fix issue related to downloading quarterly data (issue #260, PR #271) - Reduce RAM usage in eurotime2date() when handling big datasets containing weekly data and tens of millions of rows (dataset used for testing mentioned in issue #200). Changes in version 3.8.3 Bug fixes - Fix date handling bug in the get_eurostat_json() and eurotime2date() functions (issue #251, reported by @lz1nwm). The get_eurostat_json() function uses the temporary eurotime2date() function for date handling until the old bulk download API is deprecated. Changes in version 3.8.2 (2023-03-06) Minor updates - use curl::curl_download on Windows platforms instead of utils::download.file as the latter causes the following error: "error reading from the connection [...] invalid or incomplete compressed data". This affects only files downloaded from the new API. Changes in version 3.7.14 Major updates - Updated get_eurostat() and its assorted functions to download data from the new dissemination API (related to issues #251, #243). See Eurostat web page Transition - from Eurostat Bulk Download to API for a list of differences between old and new data sources: - Added new temporary functions for downloading and handling data from the new dissemination API: get_eurostat_raw2, tidy_eurostat2, convert_time_col2, eurotime2date2, eurotime2num2 and label_eurostat2. When the old bulk download facilities are decommissioned, these functions will replace the old functions with old naming schemes (without the 2s at the end). - tidy_eurostat2 function is now able to handle multiple time frequencies in one call: For example, you can download annual, quarterly, and monthly data simply by using a vector c("A", "Q", "M") in select_time instead of using these singular frequencies in separate calls. The function will also return multiple time series in one dataset if select_time is NULL (as it is by default). If the dataset contains multiple time series and these are explicitly downloaded / no select_time parameter is given, a message will be printed. - eurotime2num can now handle monthly and weekly data as well. - Added a new parameter to get_eurostat() function: legacy_bulk_download (default = TRUE). By setting this parameter to FALSE the user can download data from the new dissemination API. If you want to test the new API before it becomes the only way to download the data (and we very much encourage you to do so), set this parameter to FALSE. Minor updates - Removed render-rmarkdown.yaml workflow used for rendering file. must be generated locally from now on. Changes in version 3.7.13 - Updated get_eurostat_json() to migrate from JSON web service to API Statistics (addressed in issues #243, #251). Please note that the output from JSON API is now slightly different than before: the datasets now contain a freq column to indicate the frequency with which data has been collected, for example annually "A", monthly "M" or quarterly "Q". See Eurostat - Data browser online help website for more information: - Minor fixes in get_bibentry() and get_eurostat_geospatial() Changes in version 3.7.12 - Updated included dataset eurostat_geodata_60_2016 to fix the issue of old-style crs object (#237) - Added information about different variables in eurostat_geodata_60_2016 so that the dataset is more understandable and usable for testing purposes. Added the same information to get_eurostat_geospatial() documentation as well. - Added the GISCO copyright disclaimer to eurostat_geodata_60_2016 and get_eurostat_geospatial() documentation. - Get rid of unnecessary "No encoding supplied: defaulting to UTF-8." messages in get_eurostat_geospatial() by setting content encoding to UTF-8 when httr::content() function is called - dplyr and tidyr namespaces are no longer imported completely, only selected few functions with importFrom Changes in version 3.7.10 (2022-02-09) - Fixed URL issues in tests and examples Changes in version 3.7.9 - Function documentation migrated from old \code{}, \link{} syntax to markdown (issue #230, PR #231 by @dieghernan) Changes in version 3.7.8 - Package cache management updated: options() command is no longer needed and the cache dir can be modified persistently with a custom function (issue #223, PR #228 by @dieghernan) Changes in version 3.7.7 - Maps vignette fixed Changes in version 3.7.6 - Deprecated add_nuts_level(), harmonize_geo_code(), recode_to_nuts_2016() and recode_to_nuts_2013(); these functions were moved to the new package regions. The problem of sub-national geo codes is explained in the new vignette "Mapping Regional Data, Mapping Metadata Problems", which replaces the "Regional data examples for the eurostat R package" vignette. This is a shared vignette, but the new regions package has more articles on how to work with sub-national data. (issues #218 and #219, PR #220 by @antaldaniel) Changes in version 3.7.5 (2021-05-14) - Moved sf from Imports to Suggests and made get_eurostat_geospatial() return a message if sf is not installed. This is to increase compatibility of eurostat-package on systems that have trouble installing sf (issue #213) - Wrapped some problem causing examples to \dontrun{} for a quick CRAN release Changes in version 3.7.3 - Removed outdated dependencies (mapproj, plotrix, rsdmx) Changes in version 3.7.2 - Non-intersecting sf-geometries in get_eurostat_geospatial (PR #202 by @retostauffer) Changes in version 3.6.4 - Fixed stringsAsFactors for R-4.0.0 and moved default to FALSE Changes in version 3.6.3 - Stabilized http requests (PR by @annnvv) Changes in version 3.5.3 - get_eurostat switched to v2.1 Changes in version 3.5.2 (2020-01-25) - internet and proxy setting fixes - bibentry fix Changes in version 3.4.1 - Fixed vignette - Added automated error messages to URL download failures Changes in version 3.3.3 - Countries and Country Codes data.frames get label column for country names in the Eurostat database. - Fixed vignette duplicate entry issue and smaller issues - Added get_bibentry Changes in version 3.3.1 (2018-11-24) - The label_eurostat() has new countrycode and countrycode_nomatch arguments to label with countrycode package and custom_dic argument to add custom dictionary. - Vignette updated Changes in version 3.2.3 Minor features - dplyr moved from Dependencies to Imports - curl removed from Imports - solved geospatial map issues - eurostat_url moved to options Changes in version 3.2.1 (2018-05-20) Major updates - Improved support for sf in map visualization Minor features - ./data/ generation script in ./data-raw/ updated to make all data reproducible Bug fixes - Typo corrected from Cisco to Gisco Changes in version 3.1.5 (2017-08-09) Minor features - Added new example data set to reduce repeated downloads from eurostat service - Now label_eurostat() gives always an error by default, if labelling introduces duplicated labels. A new fix_duplicated argument is add to fix duplicated labels automatically. (#79, #90) - Shrinked the package tarball size Bug fixes - Modified tutorial to accommodate the CRAN error - Fixed cut_to_classes to generate unique breaks Changes in version 3.1.1 (2017-03-16) R Journal submission - Release version associated with the R Journal manuscript 2017 final version - Git release added with Zenodo DOI Minor features - Changed maintainer email address from louhos to leo - Added ./docs/ (automated package website generated with pkgdown) - Expanded unit tests - Gitter badge added to README - Added ./revdep/ to check possible reverse dependencies automatically - Cheat sheet added Bug fixes - search_eurostat() accepts new argument fixed: if TRUE (default), pattern provided will used as is; if FALSE, pattern will be interpreted as a true regex pattern. - Augmented the list of Suggested packages in the DESCRIPTION file, including the Cairo package (#70) - Updated the journal manuscript based on reviewer feedback Changes in version 2.2.20001 - Development version opened Changes in version 2.2.1 (2016-09-14) - Fixed canonical cran url in README Changes in version 2.1.1 - The complete package now using tibbles - Rare encoding issues circumvented (#55) - Improved functionality within firewall-protected systems (#63) Changes in version 2.0 - The get_eurostat() returns tibbles (#52) - The get_eurostat_dic() and get_eurostat_toc() return tibbles - Now read_tsv() is used instead of read.csv() (#29) Changes in version 1.2.27 - Calls to extract_numeric are replaced by as.numeric (#60) - The column 'flags' is not being labelled even if type = "label" (#61) Changes in version 1.2.22 - The European Commission and the Eurostat generally uses ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes with two exceptions: EL (not GR) is used to represent Greece, and UK (not GB) is used to represent the United Kingdom. This now can be handled with harmonize_country_code() which converts the raw data values from EL to GR and from UK to GB. - Harmonized roxygen documentation to better follow CRAN conventions - Changed Windows encoding to UTF for input files - Improved memory usage Changes in version 1.2.21 (2016-03-11) - The get_eurostat() can now get data also from the Eurostat JSON API via get_eurostat_json(). It also have a new argument type to select labels for variable values instead of codes. - Fix an error after update to tidyr 0.4.0 (#47). Changes in version 1.2.13 (2016-01-19) - New select_time argument for get_eurostat() to select a time frequency in case of multi-frequency datasets. Now the get_eurostat() also gives an error if you try to get multi-frequency with other time formats than time_format = "raw". (#30) time column is also now in ascending order. - get_eurostat() gets a new argument compress_file to control compression of the cache file. Also cache filenames includes now all relevant arguments. (#28) - For search_eurostat() a new type option type = "all" to search all types. - For label_eurostat() new arguments. A code to retain also codes for specified columns. A eu_order to order factor levels in Eurostat order, which uses the new function dic_order(). - Now label_eurostat_vars(x) gives labels for names, if x is other than a character or a factor and label_eurostat_tables(x) does not accept other than a character or a factor. - For get_eurostat() a new argument stringsAsFactors to control the factor conversion of variables. - eurotime2date (and get_eurostat) convers now also daily data. Changes in version 1.0.16 (2015-03-27) - Fixed vignette error Changes in version 1.0.14 - Package largely rewritten - Vignette added - Changed the value column to values in the get_eurostat output Changes in version 0.9.1 - Package collected from statfi and smarterpoland