pxweb 0.16.2 (2022-10-31)
- Return better error messages when using for pxweb metadata objects.
- Fix Statistics Swedens new https API.
pxweb 0.16.1 (2022-08-24)
- Remove tests that are failing on CRAN.
pxweb 0.16.0
- exposed pxweb_parse_response() and is_pxweb_response() to the package API for more advanced users that want to make their own
calls to a PXWEB API.
pxweb 0.15.0
- Added possibility to download px and sdmx response formats as files
- Added StatSI API
- Added codecov code coverage stats
- Fixed some minor API configs
pxweb 0.14.0
- Added feature to print pxweb_query objects to R code
pxweb 0.10.4 (2021-02-24)
- Bug fixes
- More informative error messages
pxweb 0.9.2
- Added API link to Visit Finland (Rudolf)
pxweb 0.8
- Package rewritten in order to enhance the efficiency and design
pxweb 0.6.37 (2018-06-12)
New features
- Added in the API list in inst/extdata/api.json
- Added file