Changes in version 0.8.22 BUG FIXES - Fixed function argument type in get_municipalities() - now it actually affects the class of the returned object! New default object type is sf and other options are tibble and data.frame - Fixed Loimaan mlk / Loimaa lk and Metsämaa division / merger information in the datasets sorvi::kunnat1865_2021 and sorvi::polygons1909_2009 Changes in version 0.8.21 (2023-08-22) NEW FEATURES - Experimental new features of the package for testing R functions and datasets related to mapping Finnish historical municipality maps: - New experimental function: get_municipalities(), for mapping historical Finnish municipalities. year argument can be given to filter out the correct selection of municipalities for that given year. - New experimental datasets: sorvi::kunnat1865_2021 and sorvi::polygons1909_2009, containing the needed data for get_municipalities() function - Raw data courtesy of National Semantic Web Ontology Project in Finland (FinnONTO), a project by Semantic Computing Research Group. Raw data was downloaded from the Finnish Ontology Library Service ONKI (description in SeCo website). DOCUMENTATION FIXES - Removed table from sorvi-package that essentially contained the same information as DESCRIPTION file, with the additional risk that sometimes sorvi-package was not updated when the rest of the package was. Changes in version 0.8.20 (2022-05-30) DEPRECATED AND DEFUNCT - Removed the following outdated .R files and related functions: is_url, quickdf, convert_municipality_codes.R, convert_municipality_names.R, get_municipality_info_mml.R, municipality_to_province.R and ropengov_storage_path.R. - Removed qpdf, reshape2, RCurl and rjson from Depends and curl from imports DOCUMENTATION FIXES - Removed mentions to deprecated functions in package vignette Changes in version 0.8.17 NEW FEATURES - New function: get_ifpi_charts() for scraping data from Musiikkituottajat - IFPI Finland ry charts OTHER CHANGES - Updated the author list to reflect the current package; added acknowledgments Changes in version 0.8.16 NEW FEATURES - New function: cran_downloads() for getting information about package downloads and optionally visualizing them - New function: gh_issue_stats() for downloading information about opened issues and pull requests from different repositories MINOR IMPROVEMENTS - Using GitHub Actions for testing and building pkgdown website with rogtemplate, rendering file - Overall package cleaning and fixing warnings, errors and notes DEPRECATED AND DEFUNCT - Removed hetu-related functions, tests and examples in vignette (now in separate hetu-package) DOCUMENTATION FIXES - Option "eval=false" in vignette examples that relied on GitHub as a data repository; GitHub seemed to deny connections when data was downloaded several times during vignette rebuilding Changes in version 0.8 - Get data from GitHub Changes in version 0.7.24 - Removed get_postal_code_info - Removed get_province_info - Rewritten the package and moved many functions to other packages - Updated vignette Changes in version 0.4.03 - Submitted to CRAN Changes in version 0.4.01 - Cleaned from warnings and errors in package conversion Changes in version 0.2.03 - Fixed problems in GetLukiot(), GetOikotie(), and GetHRIaluejakokartat(), includes some temporary fixes Changes in version 0.2.00 - Minor fixed in maps.R and HKK.R Changes in version 0.1.83 - Fixed a bug with handling years in hetu-function. Changes in version 0.1.82 - Added functions hetu and valid.hetu for processing Finnish personal identification numbers. Changes in version 0.1.81 - MML data Kunta.FI field updated: Lansi-Turunmaa -> Parainen; Pedersoren kunta -> Pedersore - added R/datavaalit.R Changes in version 0.1.79 - removed data/ directory, moved rda files in and - added LoadData function Changes in version 0.1.73 - Removed several dependencies and made them marginal (see wiki for description) Changes in version 0.1.71 - GetMunicipalityInfo modified - added ConvertMunicipalityNames function - added GetParliamentaryElectionData function - GetMunicipalityInfoMML - GetMunicipalityInfoStatFi - elections*.R functions added for datavaalit Changes in version 0.1.59 - Added functions GetOmakaupunki, GetPalvelukartta, GetThemeMap - Joined files googlemaps.R and OpenStreetMap.R to file maps.R Changes in version 0.1.58 - XML removed from dependencies Changes in version 0.1.57 - added Seutukunta in MML data (via bug fix in GetShapeMML) - spdep added to dependencies (required by GenerateMapColours) - added function GenerateMapColours Changes in version 0.1.55 - GetMunicipalityInfo function updated: now retrieving comprehensive municipality-level information from Tilastokeskus and Maanmittauslaitos into a single table - Added options to PlotShape function Changes in version 0.1.54 - Added loaders.R (for loading external data into .rda-files) - HKK.R (including GetHKK) rewritten, major changes: - XLConnect no longer required - GetHKK returns a single SpatialPolygonsDataFrame instead a list of them - new function SplitSpatial splits a Spatial*DataFrame object into a list of individual objects based on a splitter field - Updated presidentti2012_PKS_20120201.R to reflect changes in HKK.R Changes in version 0.1.53 - replaced RBGL with RColorBrewer in dependencies Changes in version 0.1.51 - replaced RBGL with RColorBrewer in dependencies Changes in version 0.1.50 - added stringOperations.R (Strip function) Changes in version 0.1.49 - added package name in front of rgdal and XML functions (XML::function) to handle warnings in package build - removed special characters from vaalit.R Changes in version 0.1.48 - Added functions: GetVaalipiiri, GetElectionResultsPresidentti2012 - XML removed from dependencies (problems with R-forge Windows builds) - px.R -> tilastokeskus.R Changes in version 0.1.47 - function PlotMatrix added - RBGL added to dependencies, this is required by PlotMatrix Changes in version 0.1.46 - added matrixOperations.R: CenterData and UnitScale functions - added functions for analyzing the Finnish presidential election data from Helsingin Sanomat in vaalit.R - removed maakunta.R source file and removed function GetMaakuntainfo and merged with GetProvinceInfo - in FindProvince function argument name change: municipality.list -> municipalities Changes in version 0.1.44 - updated GetShapeMML and documentation, and recreated MML.rda Changes in version 0.1.43 - GoogleStyleGuide issues completed - examples updated - vignette updated - GitHub taken into use for release version Changes in version 0.1.42 - get.population.register -> GetPopulationRegister - preprocess.px -> GetPXTilastokeskus - shape2sorvi -> ReadShape - visualize.shape -> PlotShape - Added internal function is.url Changes in version 0.1.41 - WMS functionality included - Added wms.R - Added functions PreprocessWMS, GetWMSlayers, LoadWMSurl, GetWMSraster and ListWMSurls - Added internal functions BuildService and GetCapabilities - Modified AllClasses.R - Added classes WMS and WMSLayer - Added example 20111127-OIVAwms.R Changes in version 0.1.40 - get.geocode.GoogleMaps -> GetGeocodeGoogleMaps - get.staticmap.GoogleMaps -> GetStaticmapGoogleMaps - get.geocode.OpenStreetMap -> GetGeocodeOpenStreetMap - preprocess.PKS.aluejakokartat -> GetHRIaluejakokartat - preprocess.PKS.lukiot -> GetLukiot - getPresidentti2012Data -> GetPresidentti2012 - -> GetWorldbankMigration - load.apurahat -> GetApurahat - preprocess.Oikotie -> GetOikotie - Removed datasets: Oikotie, PKS.lukiot (use Get-functions instead) - Added and updated examples and Louhos-articles Changes in version 0.1.39 - -> GetPostalCodeInfo - -> GetProvinceInfo - -> GetMunicipalityInfo - municipality2province -> FindProvince - get.hsy -> GetHSY - preprocess.shape.mml -> PreprocessShapeMML - Added internal function GetShapeMML to provide the details on original MML data preprocessing Changes in version 0.1.38 - Changes to follow R Style Guide - get.gadm -> GetGADM; now converting all names into UTF-8; also some changes to output - gadm.position2region -> FindGADMPosition2Region; also some changes to output - Added internal function: ConvertGADMResolution Changes in version 0.1.36 - get.gadm: alue -> map / fixed taso / added korvaa.skandit Changes in version 0.1.34 - Roxygenization completed. The package documentation now generated for instance with library(devtools); document("pkg") Changes in version 0.1.32 - Changed several R file names to more general ones (Juuso) - ROxygen fields added to googlemaps.R, HRI.R, koulut.R, kulttuuri.R, Oikotie.R, OpenStreetMap.R, vaalit.R, worldbank.R - Documented PKS.lukiot, Oikotie, and PKS.aluejakokartat data sets in data.documentation.R Changes in version 0.1.31 - get.vaestorekisteri -> get.population.register - Roxygen fields added to HSY.R, mml.R, population.register.R, px.R, visualization.R - roxygen removed from dependencies - added data.documentation.R for Roxygen documentation of the sorvi data sets; documented MML and translations data sets Changes in version 0.1.30 - get.gadm: argument name change: alue -> resolution - get.maakuntatiedot.R -> - added sorvi-package.R - Roxygen fields added to gadm.R,, Also moved urls in function arguments from within the functions where applicable - roxygen added to dependencies Changes in version 0.1.29 - added vaalit.R which contains getPresidentti2012Data Changes in version 0.1.28 - added HSY.R which contains get.hsy function; this was unintentionally missing from version 0.1.27 Changes in version 0.1.27 - added get.hsy function for automated retrieval of HSY data - removed HSY data - get.postinumerot -> Changes in version 0.1.26 - get.maakuntatiedot -> - Added functions,, municipality2province Changes in version 0.1.25 - Added HSY data Changes in version 0.1.23 - Lisatty funktiot Changes in version 0.1.22 - Lisatty funktiot load.apurahat() ja load.maakuntakartta() Changes in version 0.1.14 - MML:n datat lisatty valmiiksi esikasiteltyna data(MML)-objektiin (data/MML.rda) - funktionimet muutettu englanninkielisiksi: hae -> get; putsaa -> preprocess #sorvi 0.1.13 (2011-10-24) - Dokumentointia paivitetty versiosta 0.1.11. #sorvi 0.1.11 (2011-10-23) - Juuson ensimmainen paivitys - Datoja: Oikotie, paakaupunkiseudun aluejakokartat, lukiot - Funktiot yll? olevian datojen muokkaamiseen - Funktioita RGoogleMapsin kayttoon - HUOM! Dokumentaatio osin puutteellista! Changes in version 0.1.09 - mml.R Maanmittauslaitoksen datoille apufunktioita Changes in version 0.1.08 - vignetteen esimerkkeja aineistohauista ym. - Maanmittauslaitoksen karttadatoja lisatty inst/extdata/Maanmittauslaitos/ Changes in version 0.1.04 - hae.postinumerot: Suomen kuntien ja postinumeroiden mappaamiseen - korvaa.skandit: apufunktio skandien kasittelyyn Changes in version 0.1.03 - Valineita vaestorekisterikeskuksen datan screenscrapingiin (hae.vaestorekisteri) ja GADM-muotoisen karttadatan hakuun (hae.gadm) Changes in version 0.1.01 - Eka versio