Kindly cite the sotkanet R package as follows:

Leo Lahti, Einari Happonen, Juuso Parkkinen, Joona Lehtomaki, Vesa Saaristo, Aleksi Lahtinen and Pyry Kantanen (rOpenGov 2024). sotkanet: Sotkanet Open Data Access and Analysis. R package version 0.10.1

Many thanks for all contributors!

Corresponding BibTeX entry:

    title = {sotkanet: Sotkanet Open Data Access and Analysis},
    author = {Leo Lahti and Einari Happonen and Joona Lehtomäki and
      Juuso Parkkinen and Joona Lehtomaki and Vesa Saaristo and Pyry
      Kantanen and Aleksi Lahtinen},
    url = {},
    year = {2024},
    note = {R package version 0.10.1},