Package: giscoR 0.5.1

Diego Hernangómez

giscoR: Download Map Data from GISCO API - Eurostat

Tools to download data from the GISCO (Geographic Information System of the Commission) Eurostat database <>. Global and European map data available. This package is in no way officially related to or endorsed by Eurostat.

Authors:Diego Hernangómez [aut, cre, cph], EuroGeographics [cph], Vincent Arel-Bundock [cph]

giscoR.pdf |giscoR.html
giscoR/json (API)

# Install 'giscoR' in R:
install.packages('giscoR', repos = c('', ''))

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29 exports 68 stars 4.28 score 21 dependencies 3 dependents 3.8k downloads

Last updated 17 days agofrom:d65f7af1b5



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Rendered fromgiscoR.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Jul 10 2024.

Last update: 2024-07-10
Started: 2020-10-05

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
GISCO Address APIgisco_addressapi gisco_addressapi_bbox gisco_addressapi_cities gisco_addressapi_copyright gisco_addressapi_countries gisco_addressapi_housenumbers gisco_addressapi_postcodes gisco_addressapi_provinces gisco_addressapi_reverse gisco_addressapi_roads gisco_addressapi_search
Attribution when publishing GISCO datagisco_attributions
Bulk download from GISCO APIgisco_bulk_download
Check access to GISCO APIgisco_check_access
Clear your 'giscoR' cache dirgisco_clear_cache
World coastal lines 'POLYGON' objectgisco_coastallines
World countries 'POLYGON' 'sf' objectgisco_countries
Data frame with different country code schemes and world regionsgisco_countrycode
Get location of airports and ports from GISCO APIgisco_get_airports gisco_get_ports
Get GISCO coastlines 'sf' polygonsgisco_get_coastallines
Get GISCO world country 'sf' polygons, points and linesgisco_get_countries
Get locations of education services in Europegisco_get_education
Get grid cells covering covering Europe for various resolutionsgisco_get_grid
Get locations of healthcare services in Europegisco_get_healthcare
Get GISCO urban areas 'sf' polygons, points and linesgisco_get_communes gisco_get_lau
Get GISCO NUTS 'sf' polygons, points and linesgisco_get_nuts
Get postal code points from GISCOgisco_get_postalcodes
Get geospatial units data from GISCO APIgisco_get_units
Get GISCO greater cities and metropolitan areas 'sf' objectsgisco_get_urban_audit
All NUTS 'POLYGON' objectgisco_nuts
Set your 'giscoR' cache dirgisco_detect_cache_dir gisco_set_cache_dir