Package: retroharmonize

Daniel Antal

retroharmonize: Ex Post Survey Data Harmonization

Assist in reproducible retrospective (ex-post) harmonization of data, particularly individual level survey data, by providing tools for organizing metadata, standardizing the coding of variables, and variable names and value labels, including missing values, and documenting the data transformations, with the help of comprehensive s3 classes.

Authors:Daniel Antal [aut, cre], Marta Kolczynska [ctb]

retroharmonize.pdf |retroharmonize.html
retroharmonize/json (API)

# Install 'retroharmonize' in R:
install.packages('retroharmonize', repos = c('', ''))

Peer review:

Bug tracker:



48 exports 10 stars 1.87 score 39 dependencies 57 scripts 216 downloads

Last updated 9 months agofrom:3a6dbbb2c5. Checks:ERROR: 7. Indexed: yes.

Doc / VignettesFAILAug 27 2024
R-4.5-winERRORAug 27 2024
R-4.5-linuxERRORAug 27 2024
R-4.4-winERRORAug 27 2024
R-4.4-macERRORAug 27 2024
R-4.3-winERRORAug 27 2024
R-4.3-macERRORAug 27 2024



Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Convert labelled_spss_survey vector To Factoras_factor
Labelled to labelled_spss_surveyas_labelled_spss_survey
Create a codebookcodebook_create
Create a codelistcodelist_create
Collect labels from metadata filecollect_na_labels collect_val_labels
Concatenate haven_labelled_spss vectorsconcatenate
Create a codebookcodebook_surveys_create codebook_waves_create create_codebook
Crosswalk surveyscrosswalk crosswalk_surveys
Create a crosswalk tablecrosswalk_table_create is.crosswalk_table
Document survey item harmonizationdocument_survey_item
Document survey listsdocument_surveys document_waves
Harmonize na_values in haven_labelled_spssharmonize_na_values
Harmonize values in surveysharmonize_survey_values harmonize_waves
Harmonize survey variablesharmonize_survey_variables
Harmonize the values and labels of labelled vectorsharmonize_values
Harmonize the variable names of surveysharmonize_var_names
Normalize value and variable labelslabel_normalize val_label_normalize var_label_normalize
Labelled vectors for multiple SPSS surveysas_character as_numeric is.labelled_spss_survey labelled_spss_survey
Merge surveysmerge_surveys merge_waves
Create a metadata table from several surveysmetadata_create metadata_waves_create
Create a metadata tablemetadata_survey_create
Harmonize user-defined missing value rangesis.na_range_to_values na_range_to_values
Pull a survey from a survey listpull_survey
Read csv fileread_csv
Read Stata DTA files (`.dta`) filesread_dta
Read rds fileread_rds
Read SPSS (`.sav`, `.zsav`, `.por`) files. Write `.sav` and `.zsav` files.read_spss
Read survey file(s)read_survey read_surveys
retroharmonize: Retrospective harmonization of survey data filesretroharmonize
Subset surveyssubset_save_surveys subset_surveys subset_waves
Create a survey data frameis.survey summary.survey survey